TaeYeon Apoligizes…

Friday, July 9, 2010 at 10:28 AM

After the strange incident that happend, TaeYeon came out and apolgized.

SNSD leader Kim Taeyeon made a remarks on live broadcast radio that offended many. On that day, nurses and doctors argued at Chinchin radio with complaints which prompted Taeyeon to give out an “apology” at the end of their broadcast with words of “I’m Sorry… It’s MY fault for being sick!”. Thus, amking netizens dissapointed at diva action.

SM Entertainment relaesed an apology letter hoping to minimize the situation. After a week of complaints coming from angry netizens, she made a public apology during Chinchin on the 19th…

Last Week I was sick and I didn’t think about the oppsite when I said some things. I am really sorry if my words were wrong and have hurt you. I am going to try being more careful and thinking about the opposite. I said it in the opening before but I want to apologize for my mistake last week. I think that I hurt many people and that many have thought that what I said was wrong. I feel immature about that.


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